Santosh Mehrotra

Showing all 7 books
This book discusses policies to achieve inclusive growth in India and realise the demographic dividend, which will end by 2040 when India will become an aging society. India is the world's fastest growing large economy, but jobs are not growing equally rapidly. The size of India's youth workforce is worrying, and the largely informal workforce is not covered by social insurance. Universal elementary education, despite the Right to Education Act 2009, is yet to be ...
This book critically reviews the vocational training system in India. Based on primary surveys of vocational training providers and enterprises, it provides a comprehensive agenda of reforms to improve the employability of India's youth. It recommends that vocational training must be expanded in secondary schools (in which India lags) and higher education institutions, industry participation must be enhanced, and the National Vocational or Skills Qualification ...
India's population of illiterates at the turn of the twenty-first century is larger than its total population in 1947. Unlike any other emerging market economy not only are all children not in school but millions drop out before completing eighth grade. The poor quality of elementary education has kept India's economy and the capabilities of its labour force caged for half a century. This book is based on a survey of seven educationally backward states accounting ...
India has one of the lowest educational indicators in many of its Northern States--Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. These states account for most of the country's children out of school and most of its illiterate population. Not surprisingly, they are the states with the highest incidence of poverty in India. This volume discusses key aspects of the economics of the elementary education system in the poorer and educationally ...
Business economics is the study of integration of economic principles with business management for the purpose of facilitating understanding of economy as a whole, decision-making and forward planning. Modern business is a very complex affair because business organizations have become vast is size and facing new challenges. Such business environment and general economic condition require handling of economic affairs of the business by well-trained business ...
Electronic Commerce is simply the production, advertising, sale and distribution of goods and services via telecommunication and electronic media. Because Internet is an open communication system, it creates a borderless environment for communication and trade. Rapidly increasing number of Internet users worldwide has given tremendous impetus to e-commerce. The present book is the factual presentation and exploration of all latest developments, ...
This book focuses on the provision of basic social services - the particular, access to education, health and water supplies -- as the central building blocks of any human development strategy. The authors concentrate on how these basic social services can be financed and delivered more effectively to achieve the internationally agreed millennium development goals. Their analysis, which departs from the dominant macroeconomic paradigm, deploys the results of the ...