Siddhartha Gautam

Showing all 14 books
As a result they lived in harmony with their environment and had little impact on the planet as a whole. However in the last three million years, Homo sapiens have evolved. Unlike most lower life forms we alter uninhabitable or marginally habitable environments to better suit our needs. Consequently humans have made the entire planet their ecological habitat. In our efforts to maximize space however we have too often made decision that have irreparably altered ...
This encyclopaedia of global climatic changes has been written as a series which brings under its purview various issues which characterize it. The fifteen books in the encyclopaedia cater to its various facets, most notably that of its consequences, and the way they have come about to be present due to climate change. In addition, there is also stress on delineating the scientific processes involved in this phenomenon, so as to foster greater comprehension of ...