Subhash Chandra

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The pioneer who gate-crashed his way to the top Subhash Chandra, the promoter of Essel/ Zee Group, is an unlikely mogul. Hailing from a small town in Haryana, where his family ran grain mills, Chandra has been a perennial outsider, repeatedly aiming high and breaking into businesses where he was considered an interloper. Starting work as a teen to pay off family debts, Chandra had to rely on bluff, gumption and sheer hard toil to turn things around. A little bit ...
Critical scholars in applied linguistics and related areas have investigated the effects of the ideology of the native speakers along with several other ideologies on research and practice in various educational contexts. Researchers working in post modern paradigms, while not disputing the benefits of such critical research, have none the less questioned basic assumptions that have informed such research. The critical turn in linguistics and applied linguistics ...
As a general rule, the area of study is affiliated either with the department of English, either with one or more foreign language departments, and the professors teaching courses in comparative literature are often borrowed from the respective chairs. This book will focus on the theories of comparative literature where all appropriate tend to enclose the subject within narrow problematic bounds. The term language awareness is not easy to pin down precisely. One ...
This book has been divided into nine chapters. The opening chapter Women Novelists: an introduction vividly describes how the time of 1980s was a significant one as far as the work of Indian women novelists is concerned. Anita Desai Shashi Deshpande Arundhati Roy Nayantara Sahgal Kamala Markandaya Jai Nimbkar are luminary figure in literary field. Some common themes run through most of the novels the discrimination against the daughter the silence of women and ...
This book contains forty one chapters which have further been grouped into twelve thematic areas (Insight into commercial agricultural, Mechanization for breading barriers, Production management agro techniques, Balancing nutrition, Managing water the vital input, Combating pests, weeds and insects, Resource conservation, Alternate agro-enterprises, Livestock based farming systems, Harnessing advanced technologies, Promoting agro-industry and Socio-economic and ...
The book “Water Conservation and Utilization in Agriculture Production” edited by Dr. S.K. Saini, Professor & Head (Agronomy) and Dr. Subhash Chandra Chief Scientist (Water Management). G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar is a significant and timely effort, considering the present scenario of agriculture in the country.The book covers various techniques of water productivity enhancement across different situations. It ...
In this age of science and technology, the global information revolution is becoming more visible and useful in many diverse ways. Today most of the modern academic libraries and institutes have changed to digitization and adopted digital networking. Undoubtedly digital libraries are now trying to provide the increasing volume of scholarly electronic information to their clients or users with varying successes around the country and throughout the world…. ...