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Children are the building-blocks of a nation. If they are provided the right kind of development, they contribute to the nation’s growth in a big way, when they grow old. This set in three volumes is focused on this subject and takes into account the various factors that influence a child’s development. Volume are deals with the emotional and behavioural aspect of a child’s personality and takes up the issues of child psychology and possibilities of child ...
Health care of school children has to be integrated into the education modules. And education about nutrition is the core of any school children health programme. Keeping this twin-purpose in mind this book has been designed. It will help child-specialists, nutrition experts, teachers and parents to take full care of their wards so that they don’t pick up such diseases that may turn into chronic problems. This book is ideally suited for the lay parents as well ...
Study of child psychology is not a child's play. It requires more patience, understanding and sensitivity than the study of adult's behaviour. These are many factors that go into the formation of child's psychology like heredity, environment and acquired traits in a classroom and playground. Needless to say media influence is stronger than any other factor. All these require empirical as well personalized studies for experimentation and inferences for treatment ...
It’s not a pure coincidence that children are the biggest patrons of television and the worst affected victims as well. Therefore a careful use of media is essential for child development. More than the schools it is the fundamental duty of parents to control viewing habits and preferences. But in middle class homes where television is the biggest source of entertainment and collective viewing is a daily habit, it is the adult family members who need to be ...