Sunanda Ranade

Showing all 10 books
The book Woman's Health Diseases and Baby Care in Ayurved has been written, taking into consideration the common woman. The book has been divided in to three parts.
The part first contains basic principles of Ayurveda. It is really important to understand the fundamental principles of Ayurveda so that the reader can get the clear idea about Ayurvedic concept of tridosha, constitution and Ayurvedic aspects of maintenance of health.
Second part consisting of ...
Ayurved and Yoga are Complimentary Science. They both have been originated from India and Vedic Culture. They are the Two sides of the coin known as Health. Both these sciences understand the human body with the same language of Triguna, Panchamahabhuta, Tridosha, Agni etc. It is Our experience of Last 50 years of practice, that if both these sciences are used for healing, the response is quicker and long lasting. In this book we have included over 100 common ...
In this book, we have included important topics of pathological conditions of doshas, doshagati and vyadhi marga, vyadhikshamatva, dushya -sroto - vikruti vijnyana and nidana panchaka. We have also given detailed explanation of 'causative factors of the diseases', which is vital for the diagnosis of the disease.
Ayurveda, the science of self-healing or wholistic healing is getting lot of interest and attention from the people including the scientific community. The present book is written for the people who are interested in simple and useful remedies to cure common diseases. The treatment described in this book are based on authors observations and clinical experiences for many years. The preparations describes here are from the ancient Ayurvedic texts. The book ...
Kayachikitsa or internal medicine is a subject which ahs attached attention of all those who are eager to learn Ayurveda. Physicians of other medicines, students and common people all want to know more about this subject as it deals with description of various diseases and its treatment. This book of Kayachikitsa in 3 volumes has been written more in the interest or ht students of Final Year of Ayurveda. The syllabus of Kayachikitsa for final B. A. M. & S. ...
Initially these courses were of introductory in nature. During this period, we had published books like ' Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda', 'Natural Healing Through Ayurveda.' These books were sufficient for giving the basic knowledge of Ayurveda. Now complete ayurvedic courses are being conducted at various Institutes throughout the World. Ayurveda is becoming popular and students are naturally demanding more and more books for various subjects for deeper ...
Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking is a book dealing with basic principles of food, rules of eating, methods of preparation, various food recipes with Ayurvedic understanding. It has been divided in 3 parts. The first part deals with basic principles of Ayurveda like concept of tridosha, attributes, constitution & energetic principles of food. The second part of deals with nutrition, rules & regulation of eating as well as various other concepts like ...