Surendra Singh

Showing all 18 books
Contents: Foreword. Preface. Section I: Energy use in production of crops fruits and vegetables: 1. Introduction. 2. Indian agriculture. 3. Area production and productivity scenario. 4. Farm power sources and availability. 5. Indian energy scenario. 6. Energy use in crop production. 7. Energy use in fruit production. 8. Energy use in vegetable production. Section II: Energy use in household and agricultural allied activities: 9. Energy use in household ...
The application of machines and better power sources to enhance agricultural production has been one of the most significant developments in agriculture. Mechanization of agriculture is needed for development and optimal utilization of natural resources leading to higher productivity and reduced cost of production for greater profitability, economic competitiveness and sustainability.
Mechanization also imparts capacity to the farmers to carry out farm ...
This book is based on two volumes. Volume I encompassing the collection of research papers on Geomorphic Forms and Processes of the arid and semi arid regions of Rajasthan, India, focuses on the potentials of aerial photographs and satellite imageries in mapping and monitoring of desertification, watershed geomorphology and the hydrologtcal characteristics of the drainage basin in arid environment, whereas the Volume II records his research endeavors on ...
Contents:Land Degradation in Degraded Hills -A Concept, Water Circulation and water Resources, Watershed Characteristics and Hydrograph Pattern, Soil Resources and Soil Degradation, Vegetation and Plant Communities, Land Use/ Land Cover Changes Assessing Water and Fuel Requirements of the People, Land Degradation and Possibility of Restoration of Natural Resources
The Volume brings out the disturbing realites of social work education and practice in India to the forefront. It contains twenty seven essays which identify almost all the key issues and critical challenges that social work education faces in making itself relevant and responsive to the turbulent tempers of the modern-day society in India, especially in its interface with the millenniast manifestations of newly emerging world order. The papers have discoursed ...
Present day society has rightly been given different names such as 'information society', 'information age', 'knowledge society', and even 'post industrial society'. The intellectual needs of the society are fulfilled by library and information centres. In such a society an information and library professional is expected to function as an intermediary between information sources and information systems and information seekers. The present volume is a collection ...
Gender Equality' and 'Women Empowerment' are the key-terms that define and determine the direction of diverse discourses on women, nationally and internationally. The Beijing Conference (1995), was the most significant milestone in the journey towards ensuring gender equality and enriching pragmatic insights in to questions concerning women’s empowerment. This volume, containing thirty well-written essays on diverse dimensions of gender equality, takes an ...
The book provides a comprehensive analysis of the politics of regionalism in Pakistan. It discusses the regional tensions right since 1947 upto General Musharraf’s phase. Although, the ruling elite of Pakistan made loud claims to have resolved the issue of nation building and integration, the reality has been quite opposite to the claims of the ruling elite. All the four provinces of the Pakistan are plagued by regional tensions: these tensions have ...
In the contemporary complex society many new challenges have emerged which were unknown in the history of mankind earlier. The people are compelled to adapt new mechanisms to cope up with the tension and anxiety created by varied kinds of pressing demands on them. Yoga is the specialised instrument which provides peace and tranquility to the disturbed mind. The present book explains Yoga and its manifold dimensions such as concept, philosophy, Chitta Vrittis, ...
Anticipating major upward shift in the energy demand and energy use pattern in the agriculture sector, the Indian Council of Agriculture Research in the year 1970-71 decided to initiate a multi-locational project in the form of a coordinated research project in the form of a coordinated research project entitled “Energy Requirements in Intensive Agricultural Production. General objectives of the project include energy audit of prevailing practices, ...
In India, like the other countries of the world, air-borne and space-borne remote sensing techniques is being used in the research, planning and development. It has also been introduced in various Indian colleges and universities as a optional subject for teaching the graduate and post-graduate students. In order to make the proper use of remote sensing, the knowledge of its basic principles and applications is of paramount importance. But in India very few books ...
Looking at the depth and intensity of the issues of environmental changes as still unresolved problems of landscape, the International Geosphere-Biosphere of ICSU put forward to understand the intensity and extent of the effect of environmental forces in different areas across the world. The outcome of the Indo-Polish Joint Seminar on the conditions of different landscape has been arranged in five parts in this volume, namely, environment and extreme conditions, ...
The present books is an outcome of the author’s writings –research and seminar papers, contributors made in various looks, articles publishers in a number of national and international journals, especially in the areas of social development, human rights and social justice which in contemporary, professional social work education are being imparted in more than 150 schools. Colleges/university departments/faculties of social work in India from an integral and ...