Sushil Kumar Goel

Showing all 17 books
God is remembered and revered as the Supreme Father, the Supreme Teacher, and the Supreme Guide in Indian tradition. It is God Shiva who gives us the true knowledge of the soul, the Supreme Soul and the Eternal World Drama. Through the corporeal medium of Prajapita Brahma, He teaches us the most esoteric knowledge for redemption from vices. God is now teaching us human beings so that we can attain our God Fatherly Birthright of Health, Happiness and Harmony in ...
Access to education is not only a basic human right; it is a key to social progress. An all-round development of women has become an important subject of study in the present time. Woman is the pivot of a family, around which revolve the entire activities of men and children. She is responsible for a family’s health, happiness and prosperity. Women, who are home makers, bring a new being into the world. If she is happy & well adjusted, and competent to ...
This book covers broadly all the areas of the disabilities. It discusses at length pertinent issues related to the education, adaptation and socialization of the PWDs. This book deals with important challenges, diagnosis and assessment, role of regular and resource teachers, curriculum development, therapeutic aspects, technological innovations, vocational education and training etc for differently abled children. It is hoped that not only the regular classroom ...