Susunaga Weeraperuma

Showing all 10 books
Extraordinarily profound is the Sutta Nipata, which is the oldest sacred book in Buddhist literature. It is a particularly authentic version of the Buddha's discourses because of its antiquity, language and contents.
Susunaga Weeraperuma's faithful and masterly rendering of the Sutta Nipata deepens our understanding of the teachings. An eminent writer in the field of Buddhism, he has lucidly expressed the ancient wisdom in the idiom of our time, Great ...
Enrich Your Inner Life abounds with practical suggestions for inner growth. Greatly inspired by the sacred scriptures of different faiths, the book is based on the author's spiritual experience.
Dropping all defilements and finding that final Freedom in this very life is the main message of the most ancient Buddhist scripture-the Sutta-Nipata. Owning nothing and wanting nothing is one of the hallmarks of Illumination. Serenity Here and Now is a faithful rendering of the last 47 suttas of the Sutta-Nipata. The archaic and abstruse verses have been rendered in a modern and readily intelligible idiom, with the result that this book is a sheer delight to ...
Nirvana, is the extinction of all illusion from consciousness, especially the deep-rooted delusion of ‘I’. It has been described as that which is Unborn, Unoriginated and Unformed. This well researched and clear-sighted collection of essays is the work of an eminent writer in the field of Indology. Though written from the standpoint of Theravada, the author occasionally expresses views that lie outside the mainstream of current Theravada. A collection of ...
The present book contains essays on the lives and teachings of the ten remarkable spiritual maters of our time. Like the divinely inspired prophets in the past, these later day sages have also been showing us the superiority of the spiritual and eternal over the mundane and the transient. That the path of righteous leads to peace, happiness and salvation is part and parcel of their timeless message. The life and teachings of the following masters have been ...