Nirvana the Highest Happiness: Meditations on Buddhist Issues

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Nirvana, is the extinction of all illusion from consciousness, especially the deep-rooted delusion of ‘I’. It has been described as that which is Unborn, Unoriginated and Unformed. This well researched and clear-sighted collection of essays is the work of an eminent writer in the field of Indology. Though written from the standpoint of Theravada, the author occasionally expresses views that lie outside the mainstream of current Theravada. A collection of refreshingly original essays offer enquiry into the Self from the Buddhist Perspective. “Who has the patience to endure suffering for an indefinite period of time? Let us rejoice that there is the possibility of immediate realization, instantaneous spiritual transformation as it were in the twinkling of an eye. So if we fail to find the releases of Enlightenment in this present life, we have only ourselves to blame for our great lassitude and lack of enthusiasm for Nirvana.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Susunaga Weeraperuma

Susunaga Weeraperuma is a Doctor of Letters who enjoys living in the quietness of the medieval Provencal village of Les Arcs-sur-Argens in France. Born in Sri Lanka where he was raised in the Buddhist religion, Weeraperuma has been spending the major part of his life in England, Australia, Switzerland and France. After taking a Master’s degree in Economics and Politics at London University, he qualified as a Librarian and thereafter became a senior member of staff in the British Library and the South Australian Parliamentary Library. It was during this period that he wrote several works on Library Science and compiled and extensive Krishnamurti bibliography. Following early retirement, Weeraperuma now devotes his time of contemplation, writing, yoga and gardening. The author of 18 published books including 2 collections of short stories, his works are mostly about religion and spiritual growth. Some of his important books are as followed: Major Religions of India, J. Krishnamurti as I Knew Him, Living and dying from Moment to Moment, That Pathless Land, Bliss of Reality, Homage to Yogaswami, Servant of God and The Higher Life.


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Nirvana the Highest Happiness: Meditations on Buddhist Issues
2nd ed.
vii+182p., Figures; References; 22cm.