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Quite simply, “Stotra Mala” means ‘a garland of hymns’. Chanting is a very powerful spiritual practice. If a tired and grimy body feels good after a shower, a tired mind unwinds by listening to spiritual chants. This book acts as a companion to Swami Brahmanandaji’s chanting audio cds and facilitates easy learning. Swamiji’s chanting is flawless and elevating. Those who are not familiar with Sanskrit can follow the English ...
Plants have been mans oldest friends in his efforts at health and healing. For hundreds of centuries ancient ancient Indian systems of medicine have enunciated the various therapeutic qualities of plants and there is much more to the common grandmother's remedies than mere common sense and experience. The many astounding medicinal properties of common plants such as holy basil tulsi, mint pudina green coriander dhania and several other all too familiar green ...
In the materials brought together in this publication, the reader is taken on a grand guided tour of the Himalayas, beginning with the foothills of the Shivalilks where he discovers monasteries and shrines including one of the more famous ones at Vaishno Devi. He is then taken across into Nepal from where he can view the great Everest and the marvellous people who live and worked under its protection. The mysticism adventure continues as he reaches Tibet, the ...
Plants have been man's oldest friends in his efforts at health and healing. For hundreds of centuries ancient Indian systems of medicine have enunciated the various therapeutic qualities of plants and there is much more to the common grandmother's remedies than mere common sense and experience. The many astounding medicinal properties of common plants such as holy basil (tulsi), mint (pudina), green coriander (dhania) and several other all-too-familiar green ...
This volume is an English rendering of the great Totakacharya's Sruti-Sara-Samuddharanam. He was one of the direct disciples of the great Acharya, Adi-Sankara. The text and commenatry touches upon the essentials of the Vedanta philosphy, commencing with the a description of the characters of the Preceptors and the Disciple, passing through the usual topics of the Vedanta such as the constitutents of the individual and the cosmic correlatives of experience and ...
In this volume Swamiji expounds 101 important vidyas culled from the twelve major Upanishads, presenting the hidden and secret instructions on the Supreme Truth. A fund of wisdom lies deep within his words, which carry tremendous spiritual force behind them. Is there a way to realize the eternal Truth which is beyond all thought and word and beyond all phenomena of this world? Yes, and that is by practice of Vidyas as given in the Upanishads. In ignorance ...