Swami Harshananda
Showing all 13 books
The fundamental concepts of any field of knowledge which form the basis of its complicated super structure are essentially abstract. Unless these abstract principles are made concrete by following the principle of 'From the seen to the unseen', 'From the known to the unknown', they cannot be comprehended. Herein lies the necessity and utility of symbols. We can easily illustrate this by turning to the field of geometry. After defining a point or a straight line, ...
The book, A Concise Encyclopaedia of Hinduism in three volumes, was brought out during May 2008.It was released on the 30th May 2008 by Bharat Ratna Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam at an impressive function in the presence of very large gathering of scholars, devotees and distinguished persons.
During this release function,Dr. Kalam had suggested that supplements can be brought out as and when new material is discovered or gathered.
This supplement is a sequel to it.
It ...
Jivanmukti Viveka is an important Sanskrit treatise chiefly dealing with understanding and explaining the state of 'being spiritually free while living'. A highly revered book written sometime in 13th century, it is read with great interest by all genuine seekers of spirituality.
The present book is a translation of his original work in Kannada. The translation has been done by Dr. H. Ramachandra Swamy, a long standing devotee from Sringeri in Karnataka. He is a ...
In the present educational scenario, residential educational system, though gained fast momentum, has lost sight of its objectives. So there is a great responsibility on the state to provide congenial environment to the inmates. This present study throws light on residential schools run by the state Government of Andhra Pradesh to provide qualitative education to the children of socially and economically backward communities. This study concentrated mainly on the ...
Among the six systems of Indian philosophy, Vedanta the last is the most well-known and widely studied. Based in the writings of Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva, it has branched off into three major traditions which are very much alive even today. Literature on the Advaita Vedanta is legion, thanks to the numerous descendants and defendants of the tradition. Among the simpler and more elementary treatises of Advaita, commonly called 'prakarana-grantha,' the ...
It is meant for you, especially if you are a youth. You are young, educated intelligent and sensitive. That is why you can recognize the problems you are facing. That is why you feel hurt easily. So, if you can manage to muster a little patience to read this little booklet, it will help you immensely. In your daily life you manage to find some time for so many things, some of which at least, are useless and you regret about them. So, can you not set apart just ...
Of late, study of Hinduism is drawing the attention of scholars both from India and from other countries. However, books on general Hinduism covering all aspects are hard to find. The book that is now in your hands is expected to remedy this problem to a considerable extent. The subjects dealt with are: religion, philosophy, mythology, rituals, scriptural works, festivals and pilgrim centers, astrology, biographies of religious personalities, iconography, temples ...
There is a remarkable passage in the Bhadaranyaka Upanishad: 'The gods are fond of the cryptic, as it were, and dislike the evident' (Paroksapriya iva hi devah pratyaksadvisah). Many a scholar has overlooked this esoteric sentence. The meaning is, we are not to take every sentence in an etymological sense. The names of the gods, their raiment, their instruments have got symbolic and psychological significance. For instance, the ornaments and weapons which adorn ...
Pilgrimage-ritual visit to holy places-is an essential part of a votary’s life in every religion. It is even more so in Hinduism. The places of pilgrimage in India are legion. So also the books concerning them. However, there is a great need to get the essential information about some of the more important (and popular) centres of pilgrimage, in a concise and readable form. This book is a humble attempt in that direction. One word of caution! This is not a ...