Swami Vivekananda

Showing all 18 books
Yoga means Union and the purpose is to teach the practitioner of yoga, called the yogi, how to achieve union or spiritual Absorption into the Supreme Absolute or God. The greatest classical text from the yoga school of Indian Philosophy is the Yoga Sutras of patanjali written in the 2nd century BC. Patanjali who popularly known as Maharshi Patanjali was a Great Sage and Philosopher who compiled 196 Yoga Sutras (aphorisms) that constitute the foundational text of ...
Concept and practice of yoga originated in India several thousand years ago. Its founders were great saints & sages. The great yogis gave rational interpretation to their experience of Yoga & brought about a scientific and practical method within everyones reach. Today yoga no longer is restricted to hermits of saints and sages. It has taken its place in everyday life and has aroused the world wide awakening and acceptances in the last decade. The science ...
Modern science, unable to explain the various extraordinary mental phenomena, strives to ignore their very existence. Yet there are nay number of people in all societies who think that their prayers are answered by a being, or beings, above the clouds, or those who believe that their petitions will make such beings change the course of the universe. For thousands of years such phenomena have been investigated, studied, and generalized, the whole ground of the ...
The subject of the present book is that form of Yoga known as Raja Yoga. The aphorisms of Patanjali are the highest authority and text book on Raja Yoga. The other philosophers, though occasionally differing from patanjali in some philosophical aspect, have, as a rule, acceded to his method of practice a decided consent. The first part of this book is comprised of several lectures to classes delivered by the present writer in New York. The second part is a rather ...
Vivekananda’s work on India’s Yogas is perhaps the most significant. He not only presented the subject in all its major forms quite elaborately more than a century ago, but also enchanted the West by its theories and practices. In fact, the yogas have been his main tool in his work in America and Europe. He even dictated the books for exactness and general promotion. These small books have been very popular and still are. We ...
Man's awareness, from time immemorial, of the power of sound when its notes are arranged in certain patterns to elevate him to the region of absolute bliss or plunge him to the abyss of utter despair, has led him to formulate rules for coordinating sounds to evoke the desired response. In the process he discovered the correspondence between sounds and different aspects of universe; the scales of five and seven notes represent the five elements and seven ...
This volume was first published by Phoenix House, London as a Birth Centenary tribute to the great teacher. In this book, we have all that is authentic and abiding, challenging and refreshing in Religion and stated in a language that is perfectly understandable to the modern mind. It is a publication of absorbing interest everywhere in the world.
Mystic, Prophet, Monk, guru, Evangelist, Paramahamsa, Disciple, Master, Lover of Humanity, Patriot, child, brother, friend innumerable facets of the great personality that is Swami Vivekananda stand here revealed through his won words. From his boyhood and discipleship under Sri Ramakrishna, to his founding of the Ramakrishna Missions; from his wandering throughout India as an unknown Sannyasin, to his world-shaking triumph at the Chicago Parliament of Religions; ...
In this edition an appendix containing a few observations by some of the national leaders and patriots of the country have been added. They remind us how powerfully Swamiji inspired the nation with the fire of his patriotism. It is hoped that as in the past, the present edition will help the people to understand and love India more deeply in order that they may serve her with more earnestness and greater integrity of character.
Swami Vivekananda wrote in moments of great ecstasy some poems, songs, and hymns -- which may be classed with the creations of poetic art. Swami Vivekananda is generally known as a saint, a patriot, and a lover of humanity. Very few outside the circle of his devotees and admirers know him as a poet. It is difficult to say which is more prominent in them - the poetic appeal or the spiritual urge. These two aspects are inseparable combined in them.