G.W.F. Hegel, says in History of Philosophy that the quest for India is a moving force of our whole history, and that since ancient times all nations have directed their wishes and desires to this miraculous country whose treasures they coveted. A new religion, Islam, had sprung up on the soils of Arabia in the 6 century. Its followers, with zeal and energy to burst forth over the surface of the earth, were no exception to the above. The neighboring India was ...
Religion in intrinsic to human nature. Even if not taught others in childhood, man would eventually feel a spiritual vacuum in his life. He would be in search of a supra-human entity to which he could revert spirituality. In it he finds relief from his troubles and solace for his discomforts, and seeks recompense for his misfortunes. In view of his helplessness before the forces that are much more powerful than his self, he tries to get support from being which ...