T. Sai Chandra Mouli

Showing all 12 books
Multiculturism initially referred to creative writing of specific groups in America. It was sought to be specially an American experience. It was propped up to encourage a genre, perhaps condescendingly. Though it was projected as a branch, it has come to occupy the centrestage today. Bestsellers and best writers from the fulcrum of multicultural fiction today. There seems to be a hurry to declare a society multicultural for obvious reasons. It is no wonder that ...
Indian literature in general and Indian English literature in particular have been casting a magic spell on all lovers of creative work. Post-independence literatures have established an identity of their own in all nations liberated from foreign yoke. New voices, fresh aspirations, invigourating socio-cultural concerns have extended to the creative process a rare grandeur and unique stature. Voice of the suppressed seems to be the most vocal in demanding redress ...
Indian English Poetry has come of age with enduring charisma, enchanting range and amazing authenticity. Kamala Das occupies a pre-eminent position among contemporary poets with her astounding imagery, new idiom and honest portrayal of Indian women and their concerns. Her quest for realizing ‘self’ is essentially oriental and reflects the essence of Vemana’s famous line ‘Kaami gaaka mokshagaami kaadu’ .Kamala Das is remembered ...
Indian Women's Writings in English is a collection of research essays dealing with Indian women's writing. Each essay engages with key debates relating to the society and the status of women in India's literature and history. India has always been the undisputed land that placed women on a high pedestal and offered respect. A woman deified as 'Adi Shakti' is the centre of family role-relationship and society even in modern India. Biological differences never came ...
The Indian English novel has come a long way from its infancy in the 1860s to the present day. From being a mere imitation of the western style of writing it has emerged today as a full-fledged form of expression having its own distinct identity and flavour. Endowed with the richness and variety of the Indian soil and weather, the Indian English novel has transcended the barriers of language to represent the complex national consciousness in its essence. The ...