Tara Chand

Showing all 16 books
The discipline of Education is vast like an ocean. Teachers’ Training is one of the streams, but it’s very vital and important. That’s why the attention of the educationists and educators is focused on the task of providing better training to prospective teachers for their better learning and proper development. This series of books is aimed at providing required knowledge of the art of teaching and the subject concerned to teacher-students or future ...
Psychologists all over the world have been trying to make it an objective and scientific discipline. Psychologists have not only traced the history of psychology and understanding of human behaviour, they have conducted experiments on rats and dogs. Psycholgists have tried to have an accurate measurement of human intelligence and perceptions. The concept of intelligence quotient is a major achievement of the modern psychologists. The two world wars have given a ...
Abnormalcy in behaviour is a great handicap in the smooth development of a society. Psychologists have found that there are various characteristics of abnormal persons, some of them are hereditary and some of them are acquired. Psychologists have tried to devise correctional methods also. Consider these facts: Schizophrenia is a major social problem of our times. It is very likely that every reader of this book has watched at least one of his school or college ...
Dress serves two purposes; on the one hand it is a sign of civilized society and on the other hand it shows the level of aesthetics. Dress is a sign of a personality. This book dwells on ways to teach the students, how to keep them up. Adolescent girls are deeply conscious of their appearance and concerned about the approval of their classmates. They are eager to look and dress like their peers. They are aware that clothing contributes greatly to their personal ...
With the coming of industrial revolution in Europe and India, more and more people are now entering industrial professions as entrepreneurs, administrators and labour. It has now become very urgent to understand the psychology of industry as a profession. This book dwells on this subject in a very comprehensive way. Learning is a hard and difficult task. It requires effort and concentration. It is much easier to shirk and not learn. Study which after all is a ...
Medical experts and social organizations have identified the common minimum standards of food and nutrition for children for their harmonious growth. There are problems of malnutrition and deficiency in food contents. It is the duty of the home science expert to bring to the notice of the home science teachers, problems of malnutrition. Fortunately UNESCO has done commendable work in this area.
With the advancement of India society, more and more emphasis is being laid on the management of home and house keeping. Families have limited budgets and the finances have to be adjusted accordingly. It is an art which needs to be taught to the future wives. In selecting equipment for household arts instruction in public schools, attention should be paid to (1) The requirements of this type of teaching. Equipment should be adequate for efficient class-room work; ...
The present book as its title suggests is general in nature. But its main emphasis is on classification of men in general and that is why it dwells mainly on intelligence. Advocate of an associationistic psychology which emphasized the experiential basis of all human knowledge, Mill was openly contemptuous of the nativist argument, writing, “Of all vulgar modes of escaping from the consideration of the social and moral influences on the human mind, the most ...
A home, people say is heaven on earth. It is the central point for a men’s activity al over the world. Home science is a new subject articulated by the Americans in the aftermath of World War II. In this book basic principles of home science have been given. The philosophy of Home Science education is the philosophy of the “Home and family.†It is the philosophy which has helped man to evolve the institutions ‘Home’, taught him the virtues of affection, ...
Applied psychology is the functional side of the discipline of psychology. The knowledge gained in the field of psychology as to how people learn and how human behaviour can be modified is applied to practical side of life in the classroom, in the factory and in the army. The first decade of the twentieth century marked the culmination of a shift in the subject-matter of psychology from mind to behaviour. The shift was not sudden nor was it solely the product of ...
The success of a society depends to a great extent on the level of relationships between individuals who constitute that society. The art of human relationship is a great are and it determines the functioning of a social organization. There are those who say Plato is as right today as he was in his own day over 200 years ago. Perhaps you are one of these people. Can "common humanity" be educated according to an ideal that is different from what their ...
Psychology specifically directed towards clinical studies and remedies comprises this subject of this book. The material used is mostly borrowed from the foreign sources due to lack of Indian material. Personality is one of those things which it is easier to appreciate than define. It is the whole human being considered in relation to the society in which he lives. It is somewhat different from the individuality which exists independently of the social situation. ...
More and more psychologists and educators have come to the view that it is highly necessary to study child behaviour as a separate discipline to modify child behaviour and his development. There is a need to write books on child psychology. Consequently, of great importance to teachers, parents, and mental hygienists is the fact that growth is most rapid during the early years of life. Scientific evidence supports the assumption that these are the golden years ...