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Modern educational stategists are trying to make good use of the advancements in the field of educational psychology for providing maximum assistance to the learner. Due to many social and psychological factors, learners tend to suffer from so many affirmities. If the potentialities of the learner are teste and measured it becomes very convenient for the teachers to help the students in their studies. All these factors have been discussed horoughly in this book.
Modern science has created many moral problems for the modern societies. It is generally feared that the modern education is bringing valuelessness among children. Moral volues can not be taught by lecture method alone. Moral values have to be imbibed and as such an atmosphere conducive to the living of a moral life has to be created in the school. Moral education thus lays great emphasis on self discipline and the regard for human rights. All these things have ...
Modern social developments have made it necessary that students are apprised of the social system in simple terms and also how to adjust in the existing social circumstances. Students in elementary and lower secondary schools can not be expected to understand the subjects of history, political science and geography separately. So a unified subject like social studies has been introduced in the curricula. The concept of social studies as a subject is an American ...
Language is the medium of expression of the inner feelings and reactions in terms of thoughts of a person. For a fuller development of a child, his language development is the most essential component of his education. Teaching of languages has recently become an area of controversies among educationists teachers and psychologists. But in this book the editor has taken a safe position in regard to language teaching and has dwelt on methods of teaching languages ...
There is no formal training of university and college teachers. The university and college teachers are bright scholars but they are not aware properly about educational psychology and educational philosophy. Many committees and commissions made highlighted the need for a formal training of university and college teachers and for acquainting them with modern methods of teaching and use of educational technology. This book dwells on the need for formal methods of ...
The present book is designed to equip teachers and students with modern methods of teaching English. English language teaching requires special skills.
In the recent past, scouting has become a cocurricular activity of great importance. This text deals with the various aspects of scouting as a cocurricular activity. The students taking scouting as a cocurricular activity will be benefited when they join police. Military or any other security agency.
In a country like India, general education is not of much use and as such the education of arts and crafts is a must for the man of the students. While as arts education is useful for emotional development, crafts education is necessary for making the majority of the students self sufficient in economic matures.
Teacher Education now has emerged as an independent discipline. In every country teacher education councils are being set up to provide professional education to teachers. Gone are the days when the born teachers were available. Now with the increase in the demand for teachers it has become necessary to prepare teachers for schools for various levels of education primary, secondary and higher education.
Educationists and Teacher Educators have developed models of teaching and learning for elementary class and for secondary classes as well as for the colleges. It is not possible for an ordinary teachers come to the classes for teaching are helped with hand-books giving the teaching learning models. The Editor is grateful to various American Organisations who have developed teaching learning models and which have been used as examples of teaching, learning models ...
The Motivation for learning and teaching is the main factor to decide the progress of learning and teaching. It has even been said that knowledge is that which not only informs but inspires also. It is, therefore, highly important that the factor of motivation in teaching and learning becomes very vital. The good teacher with the help of previous knowledge of the children tries to motivate the learners for acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Many ...
Students come from various socio-economic backgrounds and as such they have their own problems. T eh students coming from the poor houses and the socially disadvantaged families have some physical as well as mental problems. So they face problems in reading in the beginning. The task of a good teacher is that he should help the students with reading problems to overcome them. A good teacher with the help of various learning and language laboratories helps the ...
The Learners live in the Society and they encounter various facts. It is the function of the teacher to help the learners to bring out meanings from the heap of facts. It is a very difficult task to arrive at calculation which have reliability and validity. Probably it is the most sensitive work in the classroom to teach children to interpret facts. It is both scientific and literary also to derive meanings from social and physical facts around the children. A ...