U.B. Singh

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This book makes a comparative study of decentralized democratic governance in the USA, Britain, France, Japan, Russia and India. Explaining the meaning, essential elements, rationale and importance of local government, it addresses issues concerning rural-urban reforms, finance and local revenue, people's participation and central-local government relations. It also extends discussion on local governments of major cities of the world--New York, Beijing, ...
This book sincerely attempts to discuss the municipal administration in the Southern states of the country in the post 74-CCA era. The legal structural frame work of urban governance in the four major developed states in the country is highlighted in the book. Separate sections have been devoted to the urban local bodies in the transitional, smaller and larger urban areas. The mandatory provisions enshrined in the constitution regarding the Ward Committees, ...
With the down of independence, the enhancement of status of urban infrastructure was urgently felt by the state governments keeping in view all the relevant aspects having deep bearing on developmental schemes. The structure of the local bodies was revitalised and strengthened by the Amendment Act of the Parliament. Thus the main thrust was to devise ways and means which should cover up schemes having deep impact on the lives of people in cities and towns. Such ...
Urban Administration in India has attracted the attention of policy formulators, planners, administrators, sociologists and academia in recent few witnessing a fall in growth in urban population, the concentration of population in larger urban areas has resulted into an urban chaos. The uncontrolled, unplanned and haphazard growth of urban centers if leading to great pressure on urban services, mushrooming of habitations with inhuman surroundings, degradation in ...
The volume is a collection of scholarly papers contributed by academics, administrators and practitioners at a national seminar organized and coordinated by the editor under the auspices of the Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies, Lucknow University, Lucknow, Government of India in the Ministry of Urban Development and Sustainable Development Forum, Patna. It is probably a maiden effort to trace, study and analyse the strategies for empowering ...
The constitution in its Seventy Third and Seventy Fourth Amendments at the fag end of the last century revolutionized the Indian administrative system. The Indian Union bestowed with federal structure consisting of Union and States established another set of federation within state. Thus the Indian union has got two sets of federation –one between Union and State and the other between States and Local Government. The local government units thus have been placed ...
Urban local government in the country has gradually been gaining importance with the increase in urban population since 1961. however, it could attract due attention only after the National Commission on Urbanization studied all aspects of Urban management. In this context, the Indian Parliament passed a bill in 1992, which became the 74th Amendment to the Constitution. It is a landmark in the history of urban governance in the country. The Act not only ...