Ulimiri V Somayajulu

Showing all 7 books
The volume presents some of the papers presented at the 29th annual Conference of Indian Association for the Study of Population held in 2012. The papers focus on themes such as fertility transition and public health challenges in low and high fertility states of India, reproductive and sexual health including maternal health care and HIV/AIDS. With specific reference to Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Orissa, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh, they discuss nutrition and ...
This book is an outcome of the research carried out by the researches and scholars to bring out wide ranging issues focuing on six major part viz: Social inclusion and Exclusion, Women Health , Gender Issues, Health care utilization, HIV / AIDS and Fertility and Family Planning . The firstsection deals with discrimination of Dalit children in access to health care, caste as social barrier of women development, cultural exclusiveness of transgender persons in the ...
Ageing, as an area of research, has been one of much interest in the developed world, while in developing countries like India this trend is slowly, but surely gaining importance. However, published work in ageing and related issues is still in its nascent stages. The need, therefore, is to adequately study and analyse the phenomenon of ageing and its linkages with devolopmental issues and, the means to address problems related with the process of ageing.
It is ...
The present book Population and Reproductive Health : Perspectives and Issues is a compilation of some selected papers presented at the XXXI Annual Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP) organized at Sri Venkateswara University (SVU), Tirupati during Nov. 3-5, 2009. There are 27 articles included in the book covering wide areas of Population and Reproductive Health. The papers are arranged in 4 sections, namely, population ...
The relation between health and poverty is double edged with ill health leading to poverty and poverty breeding ill health. There is an urgent need to understand the linkages between poor health, poverty and development so as to make any dent in this vicious cycle which not only impinges on the health but also has major bearing on socio-economic and political well being of nations. The need of the hour is to identify the inequalities in development and involve ...
HIV and AIDS: Vulnerability of Women in Asia and Africa is a valuable advocacy tool for addressing the complex challenge of drawing attention to empower women to protect themselves and their families from the epidemic. This book focuses on the vulnerability of women in Asia and Africa to HIV/AIDS from various forces such as the wider social, cultural, economic and political factors. It takes a hard look at the risks of HIV/AIDS that affect women ...