V B Athavale

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Keeping one’s body and mind healthy is itself the code of Righteousness (Dharma) of every person. An harmonious activity of the body, mind and soul is itself the human life. One acquires physical health by following the regulations of keeping the mind calm, daily routine and seasonal variations. One develops a strong mind by following the rules of righteous conduct (sadvrutta). One attains spiritual health by developing a philosophical attitude and ...
Cold and cough are the most common symptoms from which every one suffers. This is because we are breathing air in and out continuously for 24 hours. Hence, the germs, dust particles, chemicals, fumes, smoke of vehicles and other factors which pollute the air are constantly being inhaled. The overcrowding pre-disposes to transfer of germs of cold and cough, from one person to another. It is impossible to control the humid climate, overcrowding and the pollution. ...
Every physician should consider himself lucky as in the pursuit of his noble profession, he can save a life and restore his health. Ayurveda says that the physician should not be satisfied with just practising in a righteous way and curing his patients. He is often considered as a friend, philosopher and guide by the patient’s family. Sometimes he is even respected like God. The physician should see that by acquiring divine qualities he lives a life according ...
A man wishing to be healthy throughout his life has to be healthy everyday as well. Health depends on how one spends each day. Controlled and guided activities of body and mind are essential for maintaining sound health. This book describes in detail how to take care of eyes, ears, nose, voice, skin and keep these organs healthy. It also stresses the importance of various types of massage and bath. It gives guidelines for the diet in different constitutions. It ...
Basti, i.e. Kidney is one of the three vital organs in the body, the other two being heart and brain. It is the most important organ maintaining the homoeostatis by regulating the excretion of the metabolites and waste products, i.e. dosha, dhatu and mala. Vegavarodha, i.e. suppression of natural urges is an important cause of various diseases. Ayurveda states that suppression of micturition is one of the most important cause of the diseases of ...
Ayurveda describes fever as king of diseases. It takes into consideration the causes, symptoms and site of the diseases and classifies fever into Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja fever and outlines the diet and medicines to subdue the increased dosha. The book comprehensively deals with Ayurvedic Concepts of fever. It deals with Origin, Causes, Symptoms, States, Prognosis of fever along with different types of fever, i.e. Doshaja Jvara, Dhatugata ...
Samprapti means pathogenesis which deals with the evolution of disease. This book deals in detail about various causative factors of diseases, how these causative factors bring about changes in structural and functional units of the body i.e. vata, pitta and kapha molecules, how these molecular changes bring about the structural derangement in various tissues and organs, how these structural changes derange the functions of organs and how the deranged ...
The word Prameha means passage of large quantities of urine or passage in urine of one or more products of metabolism which may or may not be a normal constituent of urine in large amount. Prameha includes a number of metabolic disorders associated with the characteric urinary abnormality. The examination of urine gives us a clue to the diagnosis of the particular type of abnormality in Prameha, e.g. in Kalameha, the urine appears black in odour and corresponds ...
This book gives the basic principles of Ayurveda in short. Bala-veda mentions how the couple should plan for better progeny. The planning starts before the marriage by selection of appropriate life partner. It gives guidelines for the regimen to be followed by the couple and particularly the wife during menstrual period of life, intercourse, pregnancy and delivery. It gives conditions of foetal malnutrition and how to correct them.
Balaveda gives guidelines ...