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Positive health is a new concept in Modern Medicine. In the traditional medicine of India and Tibet, a lot of emphasis is laid upon the food, drinks, regimens and conduct for the preservation and promotion of positive health. It is considered to be one of the eight specialized branches of traditional medicine. Food and regimens for different parts of the day and night and during different seasons form the basis of this specialized branch. The religious, social ...
All over the world, three is a growing awareness and interest about the multidimensional and multi-faceted culture including religion, philosophy, art and traditional medicine of Tibet. Tibetan medicine which is even now practiced in that country and her neigbhourhood has become the center of this interest. For the medical men and scientists, the language barrier and cryptic nature of description, specially with reference to therapeutic remedies have worked as a ...
Candranandana (circa 8th cent. A.D.), the author of the present work was a Kashmirian scholar. The present work is based upon Sman dpyad yan lag brgyad pa’i snin po’i grel pa las sman gyi min gi rnam grans (Skt.: Vaidya – Astanga - hrdaya – vrttau – Bhesaja – nama – paryaya) by Candranandana. The exact title of this work appears to be Sman gyi min gi rnam grans (Skt.: Bhesajanama – paryaya). ...
Because of commercial value, a lot of emphasis is laid, now a days, upon inventing new drugs and therapies for treating patients who have already become victims of diseases. Ayurveda, on the other hand, gives priority to and prescribes measures for preventing the occurrence of such ailments and for maintaining as well as promoting the positive health of an individual in order to keep him healthy and happy, both physically and mentally. Massage therapy is one such ...
Several chemical and synthetic remedies have been developed in modern medicine to reduce blood pressure and to induce sleep. These drugs give only temporary relief and their continued use renders them less effective. In fact, there are serious side toxic effects because of the prolonged use of such conventional drugs. The net result of this criminal negligence of the patients of high blood pressure and sleeplessness has left thousands of mentally ailing and ...
Ayurveda is at once a science of life and a system of medicine. In both these aspects it emerges as an integral science whose object is to treat the person as a whole.A Handbook of Ayurveda is intended as the first in a series of course books on Ayurveda which can be utilized with great profit by the assiduous student of Ayurveda, the medical practitioner, the specialist as well as the average housewife or layman who wishes to lead a harmonious life in tune with ...