Showing all 4 books
I have the satisfaction of knowing that whatever I longed for a full meal, an education, a roof over my head, self-respect I have been able to bring all that within the reach of many of my people.
Sathyavathi captures the struggle of a Dalit woman in Telengana to survive and acquire an education in the face of overwhelming odds grinding poverty, discrimination, violence. Her determination to go back to work for her community, her hard-won success, despite lack of ...
Dasigal Mosavalai (Web of Deceit) propagates the abolition of the devadasi system and seeks to reclaim youth from the temptations and immorality of the dasi. And yet in the very process of articulating the demand, the novel uncovers different layers of resistance and acquiescence to this demand. It is the story of lived lives, of political aspirations, of wealth, and of love in its several forms (maternal, paternal, conjugal, fraternal, sororal, erotic, for ...
The interviews in this volume are the outcome of a series of workshops held with women writers during 1999-2001, on the question of gender-based censorship and related issues. Nearly 200 writers from ten Indian languages met to talk about the circumstances in which they write -- and in which they are read and written about. They represented a true cross-section of society in terms of location, age, caste, community or religion, and genre. As the discussions ...