Showing all 2 books
'This book brings to the reader the best of Tasveerghar, a trans-national digital network of South-Asian popular visual culture. A visual treat, the book is a collection of the 'popular' forms of art, which include posters, calendar art, pilgrimage maps and paraphernalia, cinema hoardings, advertisement and other forms of street and bazaar art. Presenting 'other' kinds of art, the kinds that exist outside art-galleries, Tasveerghar provides an insight into the ...
This book brings to the reader the best of Tasveerghar, a trans-national digital network of South-Asian popular visual culture. A visual treat, the book is a collection of the popular forms of art which include posters, calendar art pilgrimage maps and paraphernalia, cinema hoardings advertisement and other forms of street and bazaar art. Presenting other kinds of art, the kinds that exist outside art-galleries Tasveerghar provides an insight into the throbbing ...