Administrative Studies

449 books
Many experiences all over the World proved that ICTs can play a major and vital role as an agent of change in rural development. There are several projects being implemented in India, which are employing ICTs to support economic development -income generating venture, increase of agricultural production, improve health conditions and promotes overall quality of life in rural areas. The present book mainly focuses on the role of ICT-led e-Governance programmes in ...
The role of public administration in governance is a continuing topic of discussion and debate. The current worldwide reassessment of the functions of the State and of public officials and civil servants arises from two major sources: one is globalization and its impacts on what governments must do to adapt and respond to rapidly changing international economic, social, political and technological trends; the other is increasing dissatisfaction among citizens in ...
The book offers a Comprehensive Overview of The Indian Administration from its evolution in the ancient time to the present day mammoth Indian administration system. It covers the political, social, economic, cultural and constitutional environment, important features of Indian polity, political executive, central secretariat, central ministers and departments, executive agencies, boards and commissions, constitutional authorities, administrative reforms, ...
Indian Administration: Retrospect and Prospect is a textbook with a difference. Prepared mainly for the benefit of students of Public Administration, it includes a wide range of materials, scattered in learned journals, reports of government commissions and committees and experiences of the Indian civil servants in the field. It is a comprehensive compendium that not only sums up the events of the past, but also suggests workable guidelines for the future ...
The Services have their own customs. Some of them have been handed down from the distant past while others are of more recent origin. A custom is an established usage and, in the main, consists of positive actions which invariably are reasonable and usually universally accepted. Customs made for a more orderly life and, when continued for a long period tend to become common Law. The majority of customs, which are unwritten in official orders or regulations, ...
The book deals with the key issues, pertaining to Human Resource Development, its ethical and spiritual dimensions, management of HRD in the era of liberalisation, training of human resources, HRD for workers, Indian education policy, evaluation of HRD, counselling and mentoring implementation of HRD and other related issues. It is a unique attempt to make a comparative evaluation of HRD concepts in on Indian perspective with several examples and cases from ...
On paper. State Electricity Boards in India, are supposed to provide electricity to a billion people across the country. In reality, however, what they provide to the consumers are poor quality power and endless power cuts. Besides, they are forever incurring losses and are thus a burden on State exchequers. We are told that this is only due to their 'politicization' and 'inefficiency'. But is that the whole truth?. This book brings together ten specialists. With ...
Enforcement crime is a new concept introduced by the author and it means the crimes committed by enforcement officers during the course of law enforcement or on the pretext of law enforcement or on the prefect of law enforcement. Till now/nobody viewed such violations of law as crime/although some named the acts as ‘lawless law enforcement’. The author gives a special identity to enforcement crimes and pleads for compensation to victims of misuse/abuse of ...
The present work, though non-technical in nature, is comprehensive, and apart from dealing with the Tantric terms and concepts pertaining to various forms of religious system, also contains entries on extra-religious contents of Tantrism such as chemical and medical sciences, philosophical speculations especially on metaphysics and epistemology, yoga and physical exercises. Tantric deities are also dealt with—the hundreds of Gods and Goddesses who have no ...