Administrative Studies

449 books
Many experiences all over the World proved that ICTs can play a major and vital role as an agent of change in rural development. There are several projects being implemented in India, which are employing ICTs to support economic development -income generating venture, increase of agricultural production, improve health conditions and promotes overall quality of life in rural areas. The present book mainly focuses on the role of ICT-led e-Governance programmes in ...
The role of public administration in governance is a continuing topic of discussion and debate. The current worldwide reassessment of the functions of the State and of public officials and civil servants arises from two major sources: one is globalization and its impacts on what governments must do to adapt and respond to rapidly changing international economic, social, political and technological trends; the other is increasing dissatisfaction among citizens in ...
The book offers a Comprehensive Overview of The Indian Administration from its evolution in the ancient time to the present day mammoth Indian administration system. It covers the political, social, economic, cultural and constitutional environment, important features of Indian polity, political executive, central secretariat, central ministers and departments, executive agencies, boards and commissions, constitutional authorities, administrative reforms, ...
Indian Administration: Retrospect and Prospect is a textbook with a difference. Prepared mainly for the benefit of students of Public Administration, it includes a wide range of materials, scattered in learned journals, reports of government commissions and committees and experiences of the Indian civil servants in the field. It is a comprehensive compendium that not only sums up the events of the past, but also suggests workable guidelines for the future ...
The Services have their own customs. Some of them have been handed down from the distant past while others are of more recent origin. A custom is an established usage and, in the main, consists of positive actions which invariably are reasonable and usually universally accepted. Customs made for a more orderly life and, when continued for a long period tend to become common Law. The majority of customs, which are unwritten in official orders or regulations, ...
What is Public Administration? What are the dominant theoretical and conceptual issues in the study of public administration? How do these reflect on patterns of governance and bureaucratic management of the state? What is unique to public administration in India? This reader brings together significant articles on the theory and practice of public administration. It outlines the historical processes associated with the growth of public administration as a ...
The Present volume contains papers presented at the XVII All-India Public Administration Conference held at Lucknow during Nove. 10-11, 2000. It opens with the Presidential Address on the current role of state and administration which is followed by VKN Menon Memorial Lecture on the administrator of the future. The remaining papers are divided into four parts.
"Women, Gender Equality and the State approaches the question of state policy towards women with a view to understand the manner in which the issue of equality between men and women has been addressed by the Indian state. The major argument is that the manner in which women have been defined by the state policies since independence is not only crucial to understanding the nature of these policies but also to the way it has constructed gender divisions, ...
This book provides a lucid exposition of what constitutes human resource management. It covers a range of subjects, which comprise the core of labour relations and human resource management. The author discusses how industrial relations, participatory management and worker ownership have given way to Human Resource Management – unitary paradigm that favours consensus rather than bargaining to resolve conflicts. These far-reaching developments in theory and ...
Extent of Empire and Administration Social Condition, Religion, Art and Architecture, Literature. As in common practice, the history of Orissa has been divided into ancient, medieval and modern periods by all the historians and researchers. The Ancient historian often meets with the problem arising from the paucity of materials while the scholar researching into the modern phase is beffled by the bewildering details on political history. For a scholar of medieval ...