
Showing all 17 books
Networking which emerged, as an allied discipline during the initial years of IT revolution is fast becoming a separate domain in itself. Today with greater demand for data and communication needs networking is fast witnessing a sea change in terms of technology, integration and its assimilation in the overall technology domain. The spurt in the wireless technologies has also fuelled this demand so much so that networking is taught as a separate subject in all ...
The rapid growth of the internet, and of the materials available online, offers great opportunity to make education more widely available and to enhance the learning experience of us all. The internet is bound to become an inseparable part of all the educational systems in the new millennium. In developed world it has already become an indispensable part without which the educational system can’t function. The net-based education system provides an integrated ...
Network management is best facilitated when the lowest layers of the networking and data communications software are sensitive to failures and capable of reporting them. Network management is one area where the demand has exceeded ISO’s ability to define standards. There are many vendors in the world of network management, with each offering its own sophisticated network management architecture. The book is prepared keeping in mind the need of IT professionals, ...
The book contains valuable information in the field of Global networking. Experts in various industries, educational the networking field. The subject of computer networking is enormously complex, involving many concepts and technologies that are grouped together in an interactive manner. The basic emphasis of the book is to give an overall idea about networking and recent developments in it. Due to rapid growth in mobile telephone use, various satellite ...
The material presented in this book is an outcome of the vast experience the authors have gained while teaching the subject to undergraduate students for many of years. They have presented the concepts of network analysis in a lucid way so that students will be able to understand the subject easily. No prerequisites, other than a rudimentary knowledge of physics, including the concepts of Electricity and Magnetism, are necessary. In this second edition they have ...
This publication basically deals with the Computer Networks and has been written to provide a single reference for network administration. Beginners and experienced users alike should find the information they need to cover nearly all important administration activities required to manage a network configuration. The possible range of topics to cover is nearly limitless, so of course it has been impossible to include everything there is to say on all subjects. ...
Network Analysis is a basic textbook for the foundation course on Network and Electric Circuits, which Electrical, electronics and Communications Engineering students have to study in their initial years of Engineering curriculum. The subject matter is explained in simple lucid language backed up with numerous examples prompting the student to solve the problems given at the end of each chapter. This book is specifically organized for the benefit of First years ...
Protected areas, national parks and their networking; Nature protection: value ethics and laws; Management fragile eco-systems; and conserving protected areas: Future options etc. are the major topics dealt in this book. Scholars, academics in the field besides environmental scientists, activists, policy planner and administrator will find this book most useful and informative.
Computer and network security are challenging topics among executives and managers of computer corporations. Even discussing security policies may seem to create a potential liability. As a result, enterprise management tams are often not aware of the many advances and innovations in Internet and intranet security technology. Without this knowledge, corporations are not able to take full advantage of the benefits and capabilities of the network. Together, network ...
Metabolism is a set of chemical reactions, used by living organisms to process chemical compounds in order to take energy, extract building in order to take energy, extract building blocks and eliminate toxic compounds. It comprises the network of interactions that provide energy and building blo0cks for cells and organisms, a network sustaining the living and allowing it to grow and reproduce. Understanding the nature and functions of metabolic networks is ...
In the constantly changing scenario of globalization, Internet inventions have made online networking a hot trend among people. Online networking is no more a teenage phenomenon; it has become a fundamental aspect of life for all segments in the society globally, for communication, getting information and cultivating relationships. It is an art of meeting and knowing people or collaborating, striking a rapport and finally establishing a long-lasting relationship ...
Artificial neural network, in short, ‘Neural Network’, is a network of simple processing units called artificial neurons, which simulate the functioning of human brain – an awe-inspiring creation on Earth. Neural network is used in artificial intelligence and has been traditionally been viewed as a simplified model of neural processing in the brain. Neural networks have a remarkable ability to derive meaning from complicated and imprecise data. They can be ...
In this digital era, telecommunications and networking technologies are instrumental in enabling people and businesses across the globe to interconnect and transact, shrinking the physical world into a global digital village. However, even after a decade of active proliferation, this connectivity is still eluding the geographically remote and economically backward areas depriving the people there from participating in the digital revolution. Such disconnections ...
Brand alliances are branding strategies used in business. Brand Alliances are the outcome of understanding among firms to join hands for promoting their brands together or for bringing out a totally new product into the marketplace. The basic aim of such alliances is to capture new markets and/or improve the customer base. In the competitive environment, marketers face threats and opportunities in quick succession. To meet these eventualities or to take advantage ...