
1574 books
Ayurveda, a unique science of healing and health, has its origin in India and its roots are traced in the Vedas. This system is a boon to mankind, as its main aim is to preserve health of the healthy people, and to restore the health of the ailing. The rich heritage of Ayurvedic medicines and therapies heal the sick; and daily health regime codes and seasonal regime health codes explained in this book when adhered to promise long life and good health. ...
This book ‘Stree-roga Vijnan’ deals with female genital tract problems described in Ayurvedic texts and as per the revised CCIM syllabus implemented in 2010. A compact, comprehensive description of female physiology, artava-vyapads, yonivyapads with probable correlation widely accepted by H.O.Ds of Prasuti-tantra and Streeroga of various institutions after discussion is drafted.
An analysis of vandhyarva (both male’ and female infertility) on ...
Vaidya cintamani written by Vallabhacarya or Vallabhendra is an important great treatise of Ayurveda originated from Andhra Pradesh (South India). It is a famous book of Ayurveda, also fallowed in various parts of the country like Karnataka, Tamilnadu etc. states, apart from its popularity in Andhra Pradesh. Vaidya chintamani was written in 15th A.D. The author of this book i.e. Vallabhacarya or Vallabha or Vallabhendra was considered as a great Ayurveda Vaidya ...
Prasuti Tantra Made Easy” is an attempt to meet the requirements of the students of Ayurvedic medicine, both at graduate and post-graduate levels. The book has been written keeping in view the syllabus framed in various universities in India and the requirements of the students.
Accordingly, the book is organized into chapters, each chapter coveting an important topic of the subject. The book is written in a very simple and lucid style to make the ...
The book “Heart Disorders & their care in Ayurveda” written by the well known author Professor Ajay Kumar Sharma is a complete and comprehensive treatise on the subject. This is the first book in English which deals with the subject in all completeness and clarity covering all aspects of “Hrdroga” as described in various treatise of Ayruveda. The entire text is richly supported with original references from Ayurvedic classics. Latest ...
This is a comprehensive and practical guide to Ayurvedic herbal medicine. Importantly, it is one of the first books to categorize commonly used Western medicinal plants with Ayurvedic herbal energetics. It also focuses on traditional Ayurvedic herbs and formulas that are readily available. Other topics include Ayurvedic theory, the art of herbal formulation, medicine making, and home remedies.
Classical compendium of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Science (Sarangdhara Samhita) caters to all the basics of pharmaceutics. Innumerable number of ayurvedic pharmaceutical companies that are functional all over the world, truly depend on this book for the basics of ayurveda medicine preparation. The books of 'AFI' (Ayurvedic Formulary of India) largely borrow the information from this great book. Thus, it is the sole systematized referral book for Ayurveda ...
The Garbhavyakarana explained in Sasirasthana of Sushrutasamhita is incorporated by the syllabus committee in Sanskrit language to unlock the hidden Sanskrit grammar in between the sentences, which would be a practice for Ayurvedic scholars in his primary stages of understanding Ayurveda. The same can be applied in their later stages when they start to read the Samhitas. As all the Ayurveda theorems (thought) has been expressed in Sanskrit language which binds by ...
The book Vaidya Jivanam is also called as Sadvaidya Jivana or Lolambarajiyam. It was written by Lolambaraja. Lolarnbaraja is the Son of Diwakara Bhatta. The book is divided into 5 viIasa and is written in the form of conversation between Lolarnbaraja and his wife Murasa. It deals with the preparations related to common diseases like Jvara, Shwasa, Kasa, Atisara, Krimi, Prameha, Vatarakta, Rasayana, Vajikarana etc. Lolambaraja himself have mentioned in the book ...