Linguistics & Language

Subtotal: $89.10
1766 books
The Assamese literature over the ages has been substantially enriched and enlarged with the contributions made by section of Assamese Civil Servants of the state. During the period before Independence, they were working as the officials under the British administration in the Indian Provincial Civil Service. They were generally men of strong educational backgrounds and the spirit of new thinking and ideals which they were exposed to, recieved a consummate ...
When Dwarakanath Tagore, the entrepreneur hailed as India’s first ‘bourgeois’, died on 1 August 1846, Jorasanko found itself rattled by a series of upheavals. In each of these episodes, the chief player was his son—and Rabindranath Tagore’s father—Debendranath Tagore. He was a social reformer who founded the Brahmo Dharma. Yet, despite his deeply spiritual nature, he dabbled in crass materialistic matters. Drawing upon ...
Prior to the nineteenth century, South Asian dictionaries, glossaries, and vocabularies reflected a hierarchical vision of nature and human society. By the turn of the twentieth century, the modern dictionary had democratized and politicized language. Compiled “scientifically” through “historical principles”, the modern dictionary became a concrete symbol of a nation’s arrival on the world stage. Following this phenomenon from the ...