
Subtotal: $49.50
85 books
The purpose of this book is to fulfill the gap in the knowledge of students about electrocardiogram (ECG). This book begins with basic knowledge of ECG, which will help the beginner to learn electrocardiogram. The part two of this book contains systemic ECG, which includes electrocardiographic changes in cardiac and other systemic diseases and causes, clinical features and its management.
Important questions pertaining to every topic have been included in this edition to enhance the understanding of the subject. This comprehensive coverage of the essential topics in human anatomy are covered. The relevant information required from a student has been incorporated with each illustration so as to work together for optimum pedagogy, reducing the amount of searching required to learn.
This book aims to help the student bridge the gap between the classroom and clinical practice; introducing the automation principles in hematology along with interpretation and deciphering of various parameters like RDW and histograms which carry a lot of encrypted diagnostic information, because eyes can see only those things which brain knows. Although the data of the automated blood count alone will not guarantee a specific diagnosis in every case, nor does ...
Textbook of General Anatomy provides the basic knowledge of human gross anatomy, which is important for every student of medical, dental, physiotherapy and pharmacy faculties. This book is also useful for postgraduate entrance examinations. The students pursuing postgraduation in anatomy will also find this book very beneficial.
In this book, attempt has been made to introduce various structures of human body, i.e. connective tissue, cartilage, bone, joints, ...
• All the chapters have been thoroughly updated and revised.
• Completely new look with the addition of “Clinical Correlations” on most of the anatomical structures at the end of each topic in a separate light-green coloured boxes.
• Every chapter is liberally illustrated with 4-coloured, easy-to-understand illustrations, which the students can easily draw during their examinations.
• Text on important topics has been tabulated in ...
All the chapters have been thoroughly updated and revised.
• Completely new look with the addition of “Clinical Correlations” on most of the anatomical structures at the end of each topic in a separate light-green coloured boxes.
• Every chapter is liberally illustrated with 4-coloured, easy-to-understand illustrations, which the students can easily draw during their examinations.
• Text on important topics has been tabulated in an ...
• All the chapters have been thoroughly updated and revised.
• Completely new look with the addition of “Clinical Correlations” on most of the anatomical structures at the end of each topic in a separate light-green coloured boxes.
• Every chapter is liberally illustrated with 4-coloured, easy-to-understand illustrations, which the students can easily draw during their examinations.
• Text on important topics has been tabulated in ...
It is a comprehensive compendium presenting the anatomical facts and concepts necessary to fully understand the three dimensional dynamic structure of the human body. Great care has been taken to select important concepts strictly based on the syllabus of BSc Nursing to meet the demands of contemporary education in the field of nursing.
SAQs are useful in measuring learning outcomes in the lower and middle level cognitive domains, i.e. knowledge comprehension, application and analysis. Therefore, in a medical curriculum, where a student is required to be well aware of facts of life, disease and treatment, the SAQs can become a helpful tool to test their learning outcome.
The purpose of writing the present revised edition of the book is to reformat it, so that the diagrams and written material should be easily understood by radiographers/practitioners.