80 books
“The Earlier and Later Upanisads-A Comparative Study” is author’s original work. The philosophical treatise, the Upanisads, are replete with profound philosophical thoughts and can be viewed with different perspectives. Although a number of research scholars have dealt with the various themes of the Upanisadic contents with various perspectives, this research work aims at an indepth study of the thoughts and contents of the earlier and later ...
Brahman can be known through the Upanishads alone. Shruti says that knower of Brahman verily becomes Brahman. Brahma Vidya expounded in the Upanishads grants Kaivalya Mukti and makes one fearless. According to Advaita Philosophy the Self is ever free and therefore to seek its liberation is only an illusion. Bondage arises because of false identification of the Self with the body. Liberation consists of removing this false identification of the Self with the body. ...
Discourses of an Indian sectarian leader.
The intellect (Buddhi) is the most important instrument in Self-evolution of the soul. Intellect is the discriminative faculty which reveals the ephemeral nature of things around and brings faith in the eternal nature of the soul. The one, whose intellect has been carried away by the violent sense-organs, quickly perishes. Therefore, purification and enlightenment of the intellect is the prime means for self-protection. Sandhya Vandanam aims at the three-fold ...
The Upanisads reveal the nature of true vidya: it is the knowledge which leads to the understanding of Brahman which alone is the Reality in the world of appearances. The dramas by Shri Mani Iyer based on the Upanisads render the meaning of the Upanisads in an interesting and captivating manner so that a wider audience can gain from the Upanisadic insight.This book presents an English translation of Mani Iyer's seven Upanisadic dramas, originally in Tamil, ...
Must the Upanishads be 'difficult'? Actually, they are rather plain and direct. They do not construct any complex system of ideas and beliefs. Nor do they build up any elaborate picture of the world. Instead, in some what brief and uncompromising language, they ask what is plainly and simply true: beneath all the complications of our uncertain beliefs. This sceptical questioning was their traditional difficulty. It went against the habits of faith and ...
Must the Upanishads be 'difficult'? Actually, they are rather plain and direct. They do not construct any complex system of ideas and beliefs. Nor do they build up any elaborate picture of the world. Instead, in some what brief and uncompromising language, they ask what is plainly and simply true: beneath all the complications of our uncertain beliefs. This sceptical questioning was their traditional difficulty. It went against the habits of faith and ...
The book is a detailed study of each and every aspect of managerial economics. The major objectives of writing this book are to equip the readers with enough fundamental issues relating to different aspects of subject. No author has analyzed in as much as done in the present book. Thus, it is an outstanding and first book on this important subject. Research scholars university professors college lecturers and students of post-graduate and under graduate classes ...
The Upanisads are perhaps one of the oldest philosophical treatises concerned with the mystery of the Absolute. This work (in three volumes) presents a study of the twelve principal Upanisads, thus unfolding the spirit and substance of Upanisadic thought. Written in a lucid style, it offers the text of the Upanisads in Devanagari and its translation in English along with detailed noted incorporating the commentaries of prominent spiritual thinkers and teachers ...
What this book aims to achieve is to stress, contrary to conventional belief, the striking similarity of expression and the unity of approach in the Holy Texts of the major religions of the world, separated by centuries. On the major issues concerning God and Man, passages have been presented from the Upanishads and the Bible, side by side so that even the cursory reader can appreciate the identity of thought and expression in the two scriptures.The Upanishads ...
The present book exhaustively deals with the origin and development, system of the Upanishads. In brief it propagates the fundamentals of philosophy found in Upanishads. Upanishads are termed as Vedanta. They are the height of Indian culture and philosophy. The book highlights how there is a system in the philosophy of Upanishads. First, there developed the doctrine of Brahman and Atman giving rise to idealism. When the empirical knowledge asserted them it ...
This book begins with the question: Could you please explain the work of a mystery school? And Osho answers: My beloved ones…and goes on to describe the workings of the timeless mystery schools the world over and the support they give to the seekers of truth. What is mysticism? What is fear? What is freedom? These questions and more are answered with the clarity of an enlightened mystic. From Buddha to Rinzai, from Krishnamurti to Marx, from Gandhi to ...
Histoid leprosy is a well-known entity, the impact of which on the global leprosy elimination program has been a topic of dialogue. Hence, it is befitting to have a rich didactic contents for teaching, learning and research. It is now sitting cozy over the continuous leprosy spectrum. In fact, it forms its 8th component. The transformation of multibacillary (MB) leprosy is widely acclaimed and recognized globally, while conversion of indeterminate, a passing ...
This book is a landmark in the study of early Indian religious literature, and offers a fresh reading of several central Upanishadic texts. Most studies of the Upanisads have perceived the two distinct components of the texts—the stories and the metaphysical analysis—as being distinct and unrelated. This book, however, argues that storytelling and philosophy in the Upanisads is related and explores the links between them. According to the author, the lives ...