From as far back in time as history records, human beings have sought the truth-some order or entity that unifies all existence. Sometimes these have been codified in certain writings approved as scriptural, other less centralised traditions have collections of sayings and stories, still others have passed on their wisdom orally. This collection contains all three types of tradition, providing a unique overall view of the collective spiritual wisdom of humanity. Despite the variety of form and style, the common insights shine brilliantly through, and the introductions to each tradition provide a succinct summary of how we can relate this wisdom to our own lives today. Containing 12 chapters, each with 31 readings, the book can be used as a means of education, reference or inspiration. An introduction to each tradition covers origins, teachings, expressions and themes that are relevant for us today, written in a readable style suitable for most age groups.
366 Readings from World Religions
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366 Readings from World Religions
1st ed.
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