Information is a vital resource and valuable input for sustainable social development. Development of various types of libraries in India was in a sluggish pace during the post independence period. Attempts were made for the establishment of various types of libraries during the post independence period because of the initiative of various organisations. Now it is time to make an objective assessment in the development of libraries and librarianship in India during the past 50 years at the time when India celebrates the 50th year of independence. This volume contains sixteen learned articles focused on various aspects of public libraries, academic libraries, special libraries and library and information science education and research during the past five decades in India. This book is useful to the libraries, students, research scholars and teachers in library and information science. It is a valuable addition to library and information science literature.
Dr. G. Devarajan did his B.Sc. (Botany), B. Lib. Sc., M. A. (Russian Language & Literature) from the University of Kerala. He secured M. L.I.S. Degree from the University of Madras securing First Rank with distinction. He secured his Ph.D. Degree in Library and Information. Science from the University of Keala. He is doing Post-Doctoral research in Library and Information Science in the University of Kerala. He has completed two research projects financed by the ICSSR and UGC. He worked in Kerala University Library and centre for Development Studies Library in various professional capacities from 1973 onwards until he joined as Lecturer in the department of Library and Information Science, University of Kerala in 1983. He has about 23 years professional experience in the teaching and Library field. Dr. Devarajan has already authored 15 books and 85 research papers in the field of Library and information science. Dr. Devarajan is an active member of several professional bodies in India. He was general secretary and President of the Kerala Library Association for several terms. He is a life member of KLA, KUTA, ILA, IASLI ,IATLI and CITS Presently he is the Head of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kerala and the Secretary of the Centre for Information and Technology Studies (CITS).
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