innocent remarks of a child Tat-Twam-Asi-THAT You Are Aham-Brahma-Asmi-I am Brahman Tat-Twam-Asi-THAT you are These statements – the mahavakyas – have caused considerable confusion among Indian spiritual seekers because the inner meaning has not been comprehended. Every twam is not Tat: every 'you' are not THAT. THAT is every 'you', THAT will always be there without 'you', but 'you' cannot be there without THAT. Unless this is very clearly understood, every seeker will want to be 'one with THAT' and will, therefore, be frustrated. What is to be very clearly understood is that every individual entity is connected to THAT Source; and the highest understanding is that every human being, in his daily living, must continuously remain connected to THAT Source and never be disconnected from it. The individual entity – the go – gets disconnected from the Source whenever he considers himself or the 'other' as the doer of some action, and blames and condemns him for some action. The connection finally ends when the body dies and the go no longer exists as a separate entity. To remain continuously connected to the Source in one's daily living means doing whatever is necessary to be done in any situation as if one is the doer and, thereafter, to witness whatever is happening as something that is precisely supposed to happen according to the Cosmic Law, without any regrets about the past, without any complaints in the present, without any expectation in the future, and, importantly, without condemning anyone for anything–neither himself nor the other.
A Buddha’s Babble
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A Buddha’s Babble
1st ed.
Zen Publications, 2007
8188071315, 9788188071319
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