A Study of the Ten Articles of Faith of the Presbyterian Church of India

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"Working on the reformed principle of theologia reformata et simper reformanda, the Author critically studies the Confession of faith of the Presbyterian Church of India which well epitomizes a bevy of reformed confessions, acknowledging its historical situatedness and challenging its validity in the new and ever changing contexts. This book will certainly be a resourceful and enlightening reading not only for those who want to study the faith and life of PCI but also for those who are engaging in the struggle to integrate faithfulness to tradition and openness to her new voices from the context."

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rosiamliana Tochhawng

The Author, Rev. Rosiamliana Tochhawng is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of India, Mizoram Synod, teaching Christian Theology and Ethics at the Aizawl Theological College, Aizawal, Mizoram.


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A Study of the Ten Articles of Faith of the Presbyterian Church of India
1st ed.
xii+155p., Tables; Appendix; Index; 23cm.