Vol. XV. January-June, 2001: 1. An overview of biocontrol agents of Phytophagous mites associated with vegetable crops in India/A.K. Singh and R.N. Singh. 2. Bio-efficacy of new formulation Quinalphos 20 AF against Pigeonpea Pod Borer, Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner)/D. William Rajasekhar, J.S. Awakanavar and S. Lingappa. 3. Effect of insecticides on different developmental stages of Spiralling Whitefly (Aleurodicus Dispersus, Russel) with leaf dip method/D.N. Kambrekar and J.S. Awaknavar. 4. Evaluation of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L.) germplasm stock for multiple pest resistance/R.A. Balikai and M.M. Jamadar. 5. Management of Helicoverpa Armigera (Hub.) by sequential sprays of NPV and Neem (Azadirachta Indica) derivatives in Pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan)/N.S. Kulkarni, G.H. Santoshkumar and K.A. Kulkarni. 6. Effect of intercropping on population of predators in cotton/Mahabaleshwar Hegde, K.A. Kulkarni and S. Lingappa. 7. Relative efficacy of dust formulations against Antigastra Catalaunalis Dup. of Sesame/H.S. Rai, M.L. Verma and R.N. Shrivastava. 8. Pesticidal management of Spiralling Whitefly (Aleurodicus Dispersus, Russel) on Guava/D.N. Kambrekar and J.S. Awaknava. 9. Resurgence of Aphid population in Cypermethrin treated cotton crops/M.P. Gupta, S.K. Shrivastava, Sandeep Sharma and H.S. Rai. 10. Secretory cycle of female sex pheromone galnd of Earias Vitella stoll/Surendra Brown and Wini Brown. 11. Outbreak of foliage feeding Weevil Strophosomoides Kumaoensis Aslam on Rajmash (Phaseolus Vulgaris) and its varietal preference in high-hill areas of Himachal Pradesh/S.D. Sharma and N.P. Kashyap. 12. Management of Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) in Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.)/A.P. Biradar, R.A. Balikai and R.G. Teggelli. 13. Chemical control of Sugarcane Aphid {Melanaphis Sacchari (Zehntner)} on Sorghum/R.A. Balikai. 14. Integrated pest management for Shoot Fly (Atherigona Soccata Rondani) in Rabi Sorghum/R.A. Balikai. 15. Effect of date of sowing on Shoot Webber and Pod Borer Artigastra Catalaunalis incidence and yield of Sesame (Sesamum Indicum Linn.)/H.S. Rai, M.P. Gupta and R.N. Shrivastava. 16. Chemical control of Safflower Aphid and Capsule Borer/R.A. Balikai. 17. Persistent toxicity of insecticides with oils against Spiralling Whitefly, Aleurodicus Dispersus Russell under laboratory conditions/D.N. Kambrekar and J.S. Awaknavar. Vol. XVI. July-December, 2001: 1. Screening for resistance to Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L.) Aphids/R.A. Balikai. 2. Biology of Tamarind Beetle Caryedon Serratus (Oliv.) on groundnut/Dhanaraj Halle and J.S. Awaknavar. 3. Residual toxicity of insecticides on Spiralling Whitefly Aleurodicus Dispersus Russell on Acalypha/D.N. Kambrekar and J.S. Awaknavar. 4. Reaction of KBMB – 1, a Mothbean variety to insects and disease under dryland conditions/R.A. Balikai and M.M. Jamadar. 5. Effect of intercropping on the incidence of Thrips (Pseudodendrothrips Mori) in Mulberry garden (Jayaprakashrao Mane, Maheshkumar Vage and G.M. Patil. 6. Efficacy of oils in combination with Surfactants against Spiralling Whitefly Aleurodicus Dispersus Russell on Guava/D.N. Kambrekar and J.S. Awaknavar. 7. Persistence of Endosulfan and Monocrotophos in and on unprocessed and processed Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus) fruits/P.K. Sharma, N.P. Kashyap and D.C. Sharma. 8. Response of insecticides on the ovipositional behaviour of Spiralling Whitefly Aleurodicus Dispersus Russell/D.N. Kambrekar and J.S. Awaknavar. 9. Degradation of Carbaryl in and on unprocessed and processed Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus) fruits/P.K. Sharma, N.P. Kashyap and D.C. Sharma. 10. Effect of temperature, relative humidity and their interactions on the development of Campoletis Chloridaea Uchida/Raju G. Teggelli, A.P. Biradar, R.A. Balikai and K. Jai Rao. 11. Study on abundance of Megalurothrips Distalis (Karny) during winter season/Y.S. Rathore. 12. Morphometrical observations on different stages in the life cycle of Ectoparasitic Mite Tropilaelaps Clareae infesting Aphis Mellifera/S.D. Sharma. 13. Seasonal incidence of Sugarcane Aphid Melanaphis Sacchari (Zehntner) on Sorghum in northern dry zone of Karnataka/R.A. Balikai. 14. Effect of Metarhizium Anisopliae (Metsch.) Sor. on Tetranychus Neocaledonicus Andre on Bhendi (Okra) under field conditions/S.G. Hanchinal and M. Manjunatha. 15. Incidence of Chill Mosaic and its distribution in the farmers fields of Northern Karnataka/M.P. Basavarajappa, M.S. Patil and D.W. Rajasekhar. 16. Effect of dusting plant products on quantitative and qualitative characters of Mulberry silk/G.H. Santoshkumar, Rajasekhargouda, and Jayaprakashrao Mane. 17. Mite management in honey bee/S.D. Sharma and N.P. Kashyap. 18. Toxigenic effects of some facultative pathogens under In Vitro and on the health of rats (In Vivo)/C.P. Patil and T.K.R. Reddy.
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Advances in Agricultural Research in India (Vol. 1)
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