Agriculural Communications is lifeline of agriculture. Communication intervention is phenomenal for agricultural development Without an effective communication system agriculture itself would be in jeopardy. Well thought out, effective, perspective-based and meaningful communication intervention is a must for development of sustainable agriculture. Since agricultural development is inevitably linked with rural development, communication intervention in the former sector would articulate into the latter. India- in fact, the Real India – dewlls in villages. Rural development basically articulates in the meaningful development of most of India. Trends in agricultural extension, participatory rural appraisal, community radio, cyber extension, tecgnology adoption, role of ICT, sustainable development models, ITK, utility of mass media, povety alleviation, knowledge management, communicational attributes, communicational behaviour, animate energy, gender based development, public-private partnership, etc. are some of the crucial issues elaboated in different chapters contributed by eminent scholars active in the field of communication and rural development. This book could be regarded as one of the landmark publications in communication interventions for sustainable agriculture and rural development.
Agricultural Communication: Opportunities for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
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Agricultural Communication: Opportunities for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
1st ed.
Biotech Books, 2013
xiii+330p., Figures; Tables; Illustrations; Index; 23cm.
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