Air Power and National Security: India’s Air Force Evolution, Growth and Future

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Air Power is only 110 years old but has provided immense freedom from friction that is inherent in surface operations. Before the advent of air power, sea faring nations capitalized the inherent advantages of maritime power and built emires with greater freedom in far away contients. On future contours of Air Power with regards to doctrine and strategy as well as its application, there is unlikely to be an operational contingency in the future, which will not only demand control of the air, situational awareness, intelligence and precision strike ability – but also the essential mobility and sustainment required through tractical and strategic air transport support. When we plan our future manning matrix, we need to ensure that we have the right capability mix. Therefore, our aim must be to build as much adaptability and multirole capability into our force structure as possible. For this, we must shift our focus from an emphasis on individual platorms for executing particular roles and instead look at the delivery of capability. The primacy of Air Power will be a decisive factor in shaoing the outcome of future conflicts. In line with this dictum, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has developed into a major’Component of National Power’, which can be applied quickly and decisively. The IAF has reoriented itself to a multi-role capability of platforms and equipment, along with multi-skill capability of personnel. The rapid economic growth of the country dictates the need to protect our security interests exitending from the Persian Gulf to the Straits of Malaca. This book is all about the Indian Air Forces and their functions and operations.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Capt (Retd.) Prem Singh

Capt.Prem Singh is an Engineering graduate in Telecommunications Engineering from M.C.T.Mhou (MP). he served the Indian Army in Signals Core for several years in veried capacities till his retiremic. He visited Sri Lanka as Indian Peace keeping Force (IPKF). At the same time he is an academic and intellectual in his own right and a prolific writer. He has written a number of articles for various esteemed magazines.


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Air Power and National Security: India’s Air Force Evolution, Growth and Future
viii+304p., 23cm.