Great strides have been made in agriculture production ever since the high yielding varieties of rice and wheat were introduced in mid-sixties. Consequently rice and wheat production witnessed quantum jump within a short span of time. The stocks of food grain are piling up and farmers are not getting remunerative price for their produce. Besides, intensive farming resulted in water-logging in some areas and lowering of water table in others. For the conservation of natural resources and to save the farmers from misery there is dire need to diversify the cropping pattern by introducing alternative crops. Eminent scientists, researchers, and scholars have been striving hard to develop alternative cropping systems for different agro-climatic regions to sustain agriculture. Their accomplishments in crop diversification in different fields have been compiled in this book. The 35 chapters have been grouped under six headings. The publication will serve as a reference book for the policy makers, institutions and researchers and will provide much needed insight into the alternatives for sustainable production in the present scenario.
Gandhian Political Economy
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