Amanaska Yoga: A Treatise on Layayoga

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Amanaskayoga is a text on layayoga which gives valuable technique of laya to transcend the mundane world which it considers to be a fancy projection of the mind. Since this visible world is beset with changes, inconsistency and therefore forms the very bedrock of unending suffering and pain, it should ideally be transcended by all means. The cause of world any misery is one’s own mind which one can overcome through the method of laya as suggested in this text.

According to Amanaskayoga, no other state, phase, condition, experience except amanaska holds more value. Moreover, amanaska state is a universal one and therefore can be practiced by all human beings. After setting up the target, the teaching of amanaskayoga recommends simple method of self-absorption or laya which ensures success in achieving the state of amanaska. Additionally, a spiritual master holds the key to success on this path.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Manmath M Gharote

Dr. Manmath M. Gharote born in 21-9-1966, M.Ed., (Phy), Ph.D., N.D. D.S.M., D.P.Th. (Sport), D.Y.Ed., D.Y.Th., D.S.J. Born and brought up in the Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala. Inspired by the personality and work of Swami Kuvalayananda, he selected “Contributions of Swami Kuvalayananda to thefield of yoga and Physical Education: as a topic of researchfor his Ph.D. workand obtained the first Ph.D. degree in Physical Education from the Mumbai University. Presently working in the field of Yoga and Physical Education.


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Amanaska Yoga: A Treatise on Layayoga
1st. ed.
8.5 inch X 5.5 inch