An Introduction to Buddhist Art and Thoughts

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The fifth century B.C. is not so remote a period that it must always elude archeological research: the interval between the death of Buddha and the first information transmitted to us concerning him is not so considerable that we cannot flatter ourselves with the idea of discerning across Buddhism is a historical fact; only it has not yet been completely incorporated into history: sooner or later that will be achieved. Meanwhile its initial period remains, we must confess, passably obscure. To add to our difficulty, the little that we think we know of the social and political state of India in the times of its birth has been learned almost entirely through its medium: thus the frame is no better defined than the picture. But the task, arduous though it may be, is not impossible. It the veritable physionomy of the work, if not-in conformity with the pious, but too tardy wish of later generations the actual features of the worker. This hope is still more confident, and the ambition less audacious, when it is a question of the beginnings of Buddhist art.


Prof. Shiv Dutt Gupta, MD, Ph. D., FAMS, Director at the Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur, India.  Extensively involved in undertaking and participating in the research activities since the beginning of his professional career.  The research areas include epidemiologic studies, Programme Evluation, Operations Research, Implementation Alternative Health Care Delivery Models and testing interventions.  Most of these were supported by the national and the international organizations namely: Indian Council of Medical Research, Govt. of India, WHO, World Bank, UNFPA, UNICEF, KfW, USAID and DANIDA.He is an accomplished researcher par excellence teacher and trainer has significant contribution in the area of health management.  Under his leadership the IIHMR started its management course for non medicos which was otherwise dominated by the medical fraternity.  The Institute has earned many national and international affiliation under his leadership.


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An Introduction to Buddhist Art and Thoughts
1st ed.
248p., Illustrations; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.