Social work, once thought of as a basket-on-the-arm assistance to the poor, it now is a discipline, scientific in method and artful in manner, that takes remedial action on problems in several areas of society. It ministers to families in economic or emotional difficulty. It helps communities to bring their welfare and related services into good balance. It works in medical, group, and school situations. It seeks to correct the causes underlying delinquency and adult criminality. The book provides an introduction to social work. Organised in twenty seven chapters, like—what is social work? History of social work; principles; as a discipline; meaning and concepts; social work research; areas for social work intervention; social worker; horizon of developmental social work; changing fashions in social work; and managing social workers etc., this book will prove a vade mecum to all concerned.
An Introduction to Social Work
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An Introduction to Social Work
1st ed.
viii+386p., ills. 25cm.
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