Another collection of my essays, written from time to time and published indifferent journals. I am greatly delighted to find that my Anthology of Essays is going into the hands of learned scholars and students of English. I have nothing to record here in particular except that these essays are not "loose sally of the mind", but products of deliberation and experience. They carry my own views, and I don’t think I am indebted to any writer, ancient or modern, for the enunciations. The learned readers will find that these essays sometimes vary in style and approach. This is quite natural as I have grown up in years and my experience has also grown up. Nevertheless, these essays are now in the hands of the literary community of readers and I hope they will not fail to oblige me with their criticism.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rama Shankar Tiwary
Dr. Rama Shankar Tiwary, retired as Principal of K.S. Saket Post-graduate College, Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh), in 1976, is a Tri-lingual writer in Hindi, Sanskrit and English, though having taught English letters to university classes for thirty years under different universities. He has authored more than three dozen books in the three languages, mostly belonging to critical variety, out of which as many as fifteen have fetched him Prizes and awards from different institutions of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Calcutta. Dr. Tiwary figures in the ‘Who is Who of Intellectuals’ published by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge and he is an Honorary Member of the Advisory Council of the International Biographical Institute, Raleigh (USA). The All-India Hindi Sewi Sansthan, allahabad (U.P.), honoured Dr. Tiwary with the title of ‘Sahitya-Maharathi’ as far back as 1972 in recognition of his valued contribution to enrichment of Hindi Literature. Supervising Research for the Doctorate Degree in Hindi and English, Dr. Tiwary, an Octogenarian (86 year old), is yet busy in literary activities. He has translated John Keats’s ‘The Eve of St. Agnes’ into Sanskrit and is currently translating the Sanskrit Mahapurana, ‘Skanda Purana’ into English.
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