Defence services have always been a dream for the youth. But there has been little guidance available for them about how to fulfil their dream. As result they grope in the dark and in the process either remain ignorant or get misinformed. The net result is the loss of an opportunity to get into the career of their choice. The present book is the first of its kind and presents a holistic picture not merely of selection system but of the defence services as a career also. It guides the youth about how to prepare not only for the competition but also for the career. It will therefore act not only as a counseler but also as a motivator to them. The book also deals with some of the subtle and significant issues which are of interest not only to the military leadership but also to the policy makers and experts in defence matters. It analyzes them critically and evaluates objectively. The aim is not to look for faults but to provoke thinking across the board so that status quo is replaced by pragmatism. Thus, it is expected that the book will appeal to a wider section of society ranging from the youth to the veterans.
The Challenge of Conscience
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