This book, especially written for children by Bharati with the assistance of the Swami, awakens in one a sense of beauty and wonder. The language is lyrical the sentences are short and crisp and the style is racy. The story of Sri Rama is not just narrated as an ancient tale full of sound and fury signifying nothing. The narration is interspersed with descriptions of the sights and sounds of Nature. Truly a thing of genuine beauty evokes in us a sense of reverence for the Divine; be it a thousand hued rainbow, the forest trees in bloom, the stillness of a moonlit night, the music of the river rushing to meet the ocean lost in antiquity-ageless, timeless, places of worship. A special feature of the book is the introductory chapter on Tell, Never Teach A Story. It is an article by the Swami meant for the parents and Bala Vihars. Significantly, the story of Sri Rama as portrayed in the succeeding chapters is in accord with his view of perfect narration-sustained actions dash forward in graceful strides to the optimistic and sunny summit of a definite conclusion, always ending in rich reward for the Good.
Bala Ramayana
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Bala Ramayana
1st ed.
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