With the rapid deterioration of environmental conditions need was felt to frame and promulgate various laws by different international organizations. In this book some basic laws on environment are given verbatim for the use of scholars, administration and policy planners. Institutional and Financial Arrangements for International Environmental Cooperation (1972); The World Charter for Nature (1982); United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (1989); International Cooperation in the Field of Environment; OECD Council Recommendation on Principles on the Environment (1972); OECD Council Recommendation on Principles Governing Transfrontier Pollution (1974); OECD Council Decision on the Exchange of Information Concerning Accidents Capable of Causing Transformable Damage (1988); OECD Council Recommendation on the Application of the Polluter-pays Principle to Accidental Pollution (1989); Declarations of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (1982); Nairobi Declaration (1982); Economic Declaration; Summit of the Arch(1989); International Labour Conference Convention Concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work (1990); Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention (1992) and many more will be of ample use to all concerned.
Basic Laws on Environment
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Basic Laws on Environment
1st ed.
viii+251p., 23cm.
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