Biodiversity is an irreplaceable resource therefore its extinction is always for ever. This is the reason, patenting of biodiversity of any region is being permitted nowadays under Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to curb the genetic piracy as biodiversity originates at the molecular is the first level of biodiversity. It is the index of variety of nature and comprises every form of life, form the tiniest microbes to the mightiest beasts and gigantic trees. It exists at gene, organism and ecosystem levels. In the present book, various dimensions of biodiversity, viz. historical, ethno-medico-botanical, socio-economical, cultural, structural, legal, conservational and gender related etc. have been discussed by various experts of different fields. Status of biological diversity in forests, wetlands, croplands and specialized areas like the floating grasslands of Manipur, national {Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, agrestal and ruderal sites and other protected areas has been described at length. Thus, the book will be equally useful of specialists, teachers, students of environment sciences, life science, planners, policy makers and administrators. It gives a good insight of several aspects of biodiversity exemplifying various natural phenomena of Indian regions.
Biodiversity Conservation and Legal Aspects
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Prof. Anand Kumar Kandya is a renowned teacher in the department of Botany at Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, SAGAR, M.P. He did his M.Sc. Botany (Forest ecology) in 1971 and Ph.D. in 1974 from the same university. He worked in the Institute of world Forestry, Hamburg, Germany in 1976-1978 at the Institute of Silviculture, freiburg, Germany in 1983 in the Department of Forestry, Ehime University, matsuyama, japan in 1985-1986 (JSPS) and as a visiting Professor at the university of applied Sciences, Eberswale, Germany in 2001. he was awarded a fellowship by INSA in 2005 and visited Tropical Botanical green Houses at Germany. He has been Chairman and Resource Person in several International symposia organized by IUFRO. He was gifted with an HPCL (High Performance Liquid Chromatographic System,) of the worth of DM 40,000 by GTZ (German Association for technical Cooperation) in 1985 in recognition of his productive collaboration with the German scientists. Prof. Kandya has co-authored a book Handling of Forestry Seeds in India. Recently he has published Professor G.P. Mishra felicitation volume entitled Advancing Frontiers of ecological Researchers in India. He also has to his credit 70 research/review articles published in national and international journals and as chapters of books.
Dr. Asha Gupta is a faculty member at the department of Life sciences, Manipur University, Imphal. She obtained her M.Sc. degree in 1975 from the university of Sagar and Ph.D. Botany from Nagpur University in 1981. Under a post Doctoral fellowship of the Ministry of education, USSR she obtained her D.Sc. degree from Moscow university in 1990. She has presented papers in international conferences in Finland, France, japan, Russia and Italy and organized a symposium on matrix Models in Ecology, in 1998 at the Internal Congress of ecology at Florence, Italy. She has successfully completed research projects funded by CSIR, DST, Forest Deptt. Govt. of Manipur, WWF and Loktak Development Authority. She has published several reviews and research articles in journals of national and international repute. She is the editor of recently published book-Advancing Frontiers of ecological researchers.
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Biodiversity Conservation and Legal Aspects
1st ed.
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