Body Mind Spirit: Integrative Medicine in Ayurveda, Yoga and Nature Cure

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The book "Body mind spirit" Integrative Medicine in Ayurveda, Yoga and nature cure produced by the well known author professor Ram Harsh Singh is a comprehensive writer up on the subject touching a wide range of related topics. Integrative medicine is an approach to life, health and cure taking into consideration the life as an unified continuum of physical body mind spirit in one sweep. The present book attempts to identify this central idea in practice of popular traditional health sciences like Ayurveda Yoga and Nature Cure. The ancient concept of body-mind-spirit continuum in the field of health care and cure is re-catching the attention of medithinkers globally once again and hence it is necessary to say that it is not a new ancient view of thought, rather it is one of the most ancient view points which formed the basic matrix of the practice of medicine in ancient India.

The book is presented in 65 brief and reader friendly chapters divided in five sections dealing with 1. Ayurvedic-Medicine and its quantum logic, 2.Nature Cure and Biopurification, 3.Yoga physiology, 4.Yoga therapy and 5.Parapsychology and occult experiences. The book describes in details the fundamental principles of Ayurveda identifying the nature of body-mind-spirit continuum in the genesis of life process, health disease, diagnostics and cure. The subsequent sections deal with yoga and Nature cure in real practice settings. The last section summarises the current trends in study and practice of parapsychology and quantum healing which is gradually gaining scientific support and evidence.


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Body Mind Spirit: Integrative Medicine in Ayurveda, Yoga and Nature Cure
1st. ed.
467p., 8.9" X 5.7".