There are quite a great number of books on Ancient Indian History by many scholars, both big and small Buddhism became a very popular topic for the last twenty-five years or more, i.e., after the 25th centenary celebrations of Buddha jayanti. although there was no dearth of scholars of Buddhism before that also. Encouraged by the new enthusiasm from that time many scholars produced different works on different aspects of Buddhism, As a result we have a rich harvest of books on Buddhism. The present work intends to project a picture of Buddhism during the Gupta. post-Gupta and prePala period, in all the aspects of history, art, architecture, inscriptions, literature, philosophy as well as the intercourse with China,, which; by this time, became more interested in India (though it had received Buddhism much earlier) and was exchanging Buddhist scholar with India. A such, it is a work away from the trodden path, As yet, no such comprehensive work covering all the aspects of Buddhism has been produced and it is hoped that this book will cater to the needs of both scholars and research students as well as lay people who would like to have a clear picture of this period in all its details in a single volume.
Jainism: Philosophy and Culture
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