The book begins with a new interpretation of the history and nomenclature of Nalanda. Magadha as the inspiration of Buddhist art, the political perceptions of Asoka, Oeso on Kushan coins, the name Konarka as a Tocharian word, Sanskrit and Indology as the Indian Renaissance, Sharada and Kangra scripts, the word Roma for gypsies and references to them in Indian sources are some highlights of Indian art and Buddhism. Bhæumiputra in Khotan, Buddhist sites in Kazakstan and Kyrgyzstan, Sanskrit on the Silk Route represent Central Asia. Kalila va Dimna and etymologies of Avestan words have been reinterpreted. Textual sources of the thousands of Dazu sculptures, the echos of Gupta idiom in Chinese art, calligraphy of the post-Gupta Siddham script in modern Japan, the concept of Devaraja and the identification of the faces on Bayon shed new light on these complex problems. The collected works of Tibetan masters in Russian and Mongolian libraries have been listed.
Bibliographic information
Buddhist Intimations
Satapitaka Series
Satapitaka Series
1st. ed.
Aditya Prakashan, 2017
8177421484, 9788177421484
432p., 40 Black and White and 3 Colour; Illus; 4 Maps; Ind; 29cm.
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