The Bauddha scholars and monks had a great and rich tradition of thoughts and ideas and contributed a lot in every field of knowledge. They gave their thoughtful scholarly expression to each field with equal zeal and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, due to existential revelry between Bauddhas and Brahmins, a large part of their contribution has lost in the mist of the time. The author of this book has tried to remove the dust of such an obscure period of History of Sanskrit literature from 1 B.C. to 6 A.D. This long intervening period starts prior to Bharata and is upto Bhamaha in which not a single work of any of the Acharyas is available on Sanskrit Poetics. The contribution of Bauddha Acharyas to Sanskrit Poetics has been a matter of live discussion since long. The learned author has endeavoured for the first time to decide this controversy with emphatic details and self explanatory examples in lucid style. As such it is the unique and foremost study revealing the contribution of Bauddha Acharyas in the field of Sanskrit Poetics. The entire work is divided in five parts. It studies the life and works of the Bauddha Acharyas like Medhavin, Dharmakirti, Rama Sharma, Bhamaha, Sila Meghavarna, Shauddhodani, Ratnashri and Shangharakshita, with special emphasis on Buddhistic values. On the basis on opinion of special Acharyas on Sanskrit Poetics, the author has described the six traditions of Alamkaras. Acharya Dharamkirti has a unique place among these Acharyas. The work would be of importance for the researches and the scholars of the Sanskrit poetics and for those who are interested in the particular sphere of Buddhistic Contributions.
Commonwealth Literature: An Anthology of Mosaic Themes
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