‘Business Ideas you can turn into cash’ brings you advice from experts in various fields who successfully started their own businesses, sometimes with little cash to begin with and, sometimes, even without an idea. Both ideas and cash can be generated if you have the enthusiasm to cash in on your abilities. You think you have no abilities? Many people who launched successful businesses thought so at first, until they learnt a way to systematically uncover their abilities. Once you know what these abilities are, you still have a long way to go,but you have made a beginning. This book will lead you systematically through -Various stages of generating great business ideas that you can exploit and turn into cash. Numerous real-life examples from India and abroad. Suggestions on what you can learn from them and how you can generate your own money-producing ideas.
Business Ideas You can Turn into Cash
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Bibliographic information
Business Ideas You can Turn into Cash
1st ed.
Pustak Mahal, 2002
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